Thursday, April 24, 2008

New News

A lot has happened since i last updated news on this NGO. The number of branches has gone upto 5 (more details in the next blog), and FINALLY after nearly 18 months of selfless service, the NGO is now recognized by the govt. Hopefully this registration will give us access to funds, which is now becoming a major factor in the sustainance of the NGO.


Anonymous said...

Hi Manish,

What sort of budget do you have at the moment? What sort of funding are you hoping for from the government? Are you accepting donations? (Any idea how one could send one, from Europe?).

Peter S.

Manish Chhetri said...

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the response. Currently this NGO is being financed privately. But since it's difficult to keep funding it over a long period of time, we have started to accept funds.

We will be having an NGO bank account shortly and all funds will have to go in there.

Over the next one year our budget would be 12 lac rupees or 20 thousand euros.

All donations towards the NGO would be tax free.

If you could email me on with the subject line as NGO Grants, it would be helpful.